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7663 results found
Chain drive in an attractive design with numerous possible applications in 24 V version
IQ box KNX
Interface module to connect the Slimchain, Powerchain, E 250 NT and F 1200+ window drives in the KNX building bus
E 250 NT
Compact design spindle drive with a wide area of application
Slimchain 230 V
Chain drive in an attractive design with numerous possible applications in 230 V version
RWA 100 NT
Opening and locking system for inward opening bottom-hung, top-hung and side-hung leaves
Toplock CTI
Number codelock for easy access control for internal areas
MBZ 300
Smoke and heat extraction control panel for smoke and heat extraction drives with a total current consumption of … A to 72 A
GC 342
Laser scanner for the protection of automatic doors and windows with integrated object and wall blanking
Power lock
Locking drive in combination with Slimchain, Powerchain or E 250 NT
FTV 320
Escape door lock for doors in rescue routes